Mud Hole

A dumbass redneck adventure for TPK Dungeons where the PCs are snakeskin boot wearing Half-Giants, Humans or Halflings in the middle of a dismal swamp

Crookfang’s Curse (Pathfinder 1e Adventure)

(hopefully a Campaign eventually)


Welcome to Crookfang’s Curse, a Points of Light Pathfinder 1e droolfest set in the wild, swampy heart of Crookfang Swamp. Civilization’s sparse here—scattered villages like Mud Hole cling to life amidst a vast, dangerous mire, surrounded by dark unknowns and ancient secrets. This ain’t no fancy kingdom; it’s a redneck struggle where Half-Giants, Humans, and Halflings scrape by, raisin’ critters, growin’ weird crops, and dodgin’ gators, snakes, and worse. Over centuries, your characters—orphans raised by Granny—will explore, survive, and pass their legacy to kids and grandkids, facin’ a swamp that hides serpentfolk ruins, corrupted kin, and a slitherin’ mastermind. Get ready for a muddy, possibly mildly amusing, and deadly adventure!

Basic Area Information: Crookfang Swamp and Mud Hole

Crookfang Swamp: A sprawling, temperate swamp of cypress knees, peat bogs, and black channels, stretchin’ miles in every direction. The climate’s damp and moody—hot, sticky summers and chilly, fog-drenched winters, with near-constant rain turnin’ the ground to sludge. Paths don’t last, as trees shuffle on new moon nights, ruinin’ trails. Hazards lurk: quicksand pits (DC 12 Perception to spot, Reflex DC 15 or stuck, Strength DC 20 to escape), swamp gas (DC 12 Perception, Fort DC 13 or sickened, flammable with 1d6 fire/10-ft. burst, Reflex DC 15 half), and critters like gators, leeches, and Will-o’-Wisps. Ancient serpentfolk and lizardfolk ruins—Drowned Spire, Black Glade—pulse with magic, corruptin’ the land.

Mud Hole: A pitiful, nameless village in Crookfang’s heart, a cluster of saggin’ shacks and lean-tos on stilts above the muck. The air’s a stew of damp rot, fish stink, Granny’s pipe smoke, and the musk of critter pens. Huts are patched with cypress bark, reeds, and rusted tin, while gardens bloom with mushrooms, bitter greens, soggy turnips, and Annona glabra (alligator apple) trees, their sour fruit a swamp staple. Skiffs bob on slimy tethers, and the place creaks like it’s one storm from sinkin’. Everyone’s got a garden, tendin’ crops for survival.

Corruption: Ancient magic from serpentfolk/lizardfolk ruins corrupts the swamp. Trees take a few steps on nights of the new moon hiding paths and trails. Gator-kin hunt the unwary.

Character Choices

Races (Limited to Start):

Classes (Limited to Start):

House Rules: Take a Double/Triple Flaw for two/three feats.

Granny’s Wards: All players start with snakeskin boots made by Granny. If good-aligned, they act as Boots of the Mire (here): +4 Acrobatics to avoid hazards, +2 Swim, ignore difficult terrain from mud/water. Neutral/evil get regular boots (+1 Acrobatics, no Swim bonus).


Mud Hole Flaws

Introducing Silas Grift

The session kicks off in Mud Hole on a muggy mornin’, the air stickin’ like wet burlap. The players—Granny’s wards—are muckin’ near her shack when a rickety cart rattles in, pulled by a swaybacked mule. It’s Silas Grift, a wiry snake oil salesman with a patched coat, floppy hat, and a grin all teeth and trouble. He sets up shop in the mud, hollerin’, “Step right up, y’all! I got cures, charms, and wonders from lands you ain’t never heard of!” Granny squints from her porch, mutterin’ about “that damn fool,” but lets him be.

Silas’s Deal: A fast-talkin’ hustler with a drawl thicker’n swamp mud, Silas trades pelts, fish, or favors for his wares. He’ll chat up players, sizin’ ‘em up, maybe droppin’ a hint about “somethin’ shiny” in the swamp. He vanishes toward the Tinkerer’s Cache by session’s end, leavin’ tracks for later.

Weird Wares:

Roleplay Hook: Players can barter, snoop, or bug Granny (‘til she snaps, “Git!”). Silas heads off, triggerin’ the adventure—track him, face gator-kin, or explore Mud Hole’s secrets.


Encounter Charts for Crookfang Swamp

Roll 1d10 (or pick) when roamin’. Hazards need DC 12 Perception to spot, trees shuffle on new moons, ruinin’ paths. Scale for low-level (CR 1-3), tweak as needed.

Daytime Encounters


Nighttime Encounters


After the Players Get Their Characters Together and Explore a Bit

After the players gather their characters and poke around Mud Hole a spell, they learn Silas Grift—who rolled in with a toothy grin and a rickety cart full of potions—vanished two nights ago near the Tinkerer’s Cache. He left behind a spilled vial of glowin’ goo and claw marks gouged in the mud, with tracks leadin’ off into the swamp. If they mention trackin’ the snake oil salesman, Silas Grift, to Granny, she squints through a cloud of pipe smoke and rasps, ‘Well, y’all better wear your brown pants.’ If they press for why, she snaps, ‘Git,’ and waves ‘em off like pesky flies. (She knows about them gator-kin growls—but she ain’t spillin’ a word.)


Adventure/Unknown to Players: The Missing Silas and Mistress Moccasin’s Plot

The Missing Silas and Mistress Moccasin’s Plot: Silas Grift vanishes near the Tinkerer’s Cache two days after rollin’ into Mud Hole, not captured by gator-kin but escorted by ‘em to the Black Glade. He’s been charmed by Mrs. Cuddles—an Awakened giant constrictor and 2nd-level Serpentine Sorcerer who loathes her name—quietly coilin’ in the village pens, never lettin’ on she’s Awakened. Mrs. Cuddles sent Silas to meet Mistress Moccasin, a 9th-level Druid venomous water moccasin, who’s plottin’ to hatch more quarterlings in the Black Glade.

Half-serpent ‘quarterlings’ (half-Halfling, half-serpent) are hatched by the corrupted Halfling villager Nibblet Twitchtail and his wife, Maeve, tradin’ silence for favors, wealth, and power. Mistress Moccasin’s goal: restore serpentfolk rule by replacin’ Mud Hole’s residents with quarterlings, usin’ her Druid magic to Awaken giant constrictors and Crookfang’s trees, keepin’ the village trapped and hidden. Granny suspects ‘snake magic’ but ain’t pieced together the full plot.


Encounter: The Gator-Kin Ambush

Setup: The players are sloggin’ through Crookfang’s muck, hot on Silas Grift’s trail—the missin’ snake oil peddler whose grin’s long gone. Tracks from the Tinkerer’s Cache lead to a sluggish waterway, flanked by cypress trees and hip-deep sludge. The air’s heavy, bugs bitin’ like vengeance, when a low, guttural rumble shakes the water, sendin’ ripples dancin’ across the surface. It ain’t just noise; it’s a gator-kin warnin’, and things are about to get messy as a hog in a mudhole.

Creatures: Gator-Kin Brutes (3-4, dependin’ on party level)


Key Secrets (Unknown to Players):